Brazil News
SAO PAULO – Two women, one in Sao Carlos and another in Rio Claro, in the interior of Sao Paulo state, are confirmed pregnant with Quadruplets. The cases are considered rare in medicine, since neither of the women underwent fertility treatment.
Simone do Valle Camargo (Photo: EPTV/G1 SP)
According to the Confederation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, every 1.5 million pregnancies result in quads.
In Sao Carlos, production assistant Simone do Valle Camargo is 17 weeks into her first and rare pregnancy. “I seems that there are two couples. It’s charming that they can’t explain it,” she said to G1.
Women expecting four children need special care. Her meals, for example, must be designed by a nutritionist. “She should not eat for five. She should eat rice, beans, and some protein such as meat, eggs, chicken, or fish every day, and not forgetting salads,” said nutritionist Larissa Mascarin Hoffmann.
Simone also has a concern with space, as the house she lives in only has three rooms. “First, I count on the help of God, because I’ll need a house to shelter them,” she said.
A study by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2010, shows that in seven years, there was a 17% increase in the number of twins, triplets and quadruplets, “because of in vitro fertilization of those couples who could not conceive naturally. In fertility clinics they put more than one embryo to compensate for a loss,” gynecologist João Gilberto Bortolotti Filho told G1.
However, the case is different with Simone. “She had a history of twins in her family and so nature spontaneously gave this gift of quadruplets,” added the doctor.
Simone do Valle Camargo is pregnant with quads (Video G1 SP)
Rio Claro
A couple in Rio Claro will also have four babies, all girls. The pregnancy is in its four month.
The case of Michele Kaubatz, who works in a supermarket and who also had no fertility treatment to get pregnant, is even more rare. “The doctor explained that there is only one placentia. So they will all be identical. One I’ll call Mariana and the others I’ll leave to my husband and my mother to name,” Michele told G1.
There are so many babies that the father, general assistant Vagner Kaubatz, even forgot the names. “Ana, Carolina, Mariana, and…Beatriz,” he finally said with some trepidation.
Michele Kaubatz pregnant with quadruplets (Photo: EPTV/G1 SP)
Last year, all the major media in Brazil were victims of Tabuate, Sao Paulo schoolteacher Maria Veronica Aparecida Vieira, 25, who perpetrated a rather complex hoax alleging a quadruplet pregnancy, which she later admitted to.