‘Dog’ Marley has a nose for Marijuana

Brazil News

| FLORIANOPOLIS, Brazil – Police in southern Brazil have a drug-sniffing dog they’ve named ‘Dog’ Marley, after Bob Marley, because of his uniquely keen ability to sniff out even small amount of marijuana. On Tuesday, during an operation in Favela Siri (not named after the iPhone helper), he sniffed out 30 bundles of pot hidden under the sand dunes that surround the site.

’Dog’ Marley, police dog in southern Brazil has a nose for marijuana.

’Dog’ Marley (Photo: Santa Catarina Civil Police/G1 SC)

Although the owners of the drugs were not found, investigators praise Marley for his unique ability to sniff out the drugs hidden in the dunes. They say it is much more difficult to locate the drugs hidden under those conditions and that other dogs are not as successful.

During the operation, officers served seven search and seizure warrants. An automobile abandoned in the neighborhood was also seized. According to the investigators, the vehicle was used by drug users.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 RS

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