Man Swallows Fork While Scratching Itch

Brazil News

| CURITIBA, Brazil – A man in northern Parana swallowed a fork during a meal on Thursday afternoon. Doctors at Santa Casa Hospital, in Bandeirantes, successfully performed surgery to remove the fork. Doctors say the patient, 50, is under observation but doing fine in semi-intensive care.

X-ray of man who swallowed fork while scratching an itchy throat caused by chronic hiccups

Swallowed Fork X-ray (Photo: RPC TV/G1 PA)

“He told the doctors that he has chronic hiccups that causes a constantly itchy throat. He said that he always uses the handle of a toothbrush or a fork to relieve the itching. This time, he tilted his head back and tried to scratch but he choked and ended up swallowing the dinner fork,” the surgeon told G1.

“In my 15 years of practicing medicine I have seen many cases of domestic accidents, but swallowing a large fork and still…this was the first time,” added the doctor.

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Source(s) for this article: G1 PA

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