Austrian Woman Dies at Casa Dom Inacio

Brazil News |

GOIANIA, Brazil – Police in Abadiania, 85 km (53 mi) from Goiania, opened an inquiry into the death of an 80-year-old Austrian woman. She died last Thursday at Casa Dom Inacio, a world-renowned religious center for spiritual healing run by medium João de Deus.

An 80 year old Austrian woman dies at Joao de Deus' Casa Dom Inacio

ID of Dead Austrian (Photo:

Witnesses said the woman was in Casa Dom Inacio (the house of St Ignatius Loyola) last Thursday, when, at around 10 pm, she took ill and had to be tended to by the emergency medical service (SAMU). Paramedics tried to revive her, but to no avail.

The secretary to the faith healer responsible for spiritual services at the center, Francisco Lobo Sobrinho, known as Chico Lobo, spoke about the case to TV Anhanguera. Instead of appearing at the inquiry, he denied that he was there at the location and time of the death of the Austrian. And, according to Chico Lobo, the medium João de Deus also was not present.

According to police, the body of the Austrian was stealthily removed from the Casa Dom Inacio after death to prevent it from drawing attention. According to a witness, an employee of a funeral home in Annapolis, identified only as Junior, picked up the woman’s body and took it away in an “uncharacteristic” van.

The Austrian was staying in a hostel in Abadania since January 21. She came to Brazil, along with two friends to take a spiritual treatment with the spiritual medium at the house. Over a thousand people are served every day at Casa Dom Inacio, 80% of them foreign. In addition to spiritual care, the center offers surgery.

According to the website Friends of the Casa de Dom Inacio, “Here, for over 20 years, João Teixeira de Faria, a gifted and powerful medium known as “João de Deus” (John of God) has helped countless people achieve apparently miraculous healings – of cancer, AIDS, paraplegia, blindness and many other serious or seemingly “incurable” illnesses.”

The American TV show 60 minutes did a profile of the faith healer a few years ago. You can read more about John of God at the website

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Source(s) for this article: G1 GO

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