Disc Jockey Dies on Air

Brazil News

| SAO PAULO – A disc jockey died on-air Monday morning during his daily show on Educadora FM Iacanga, in the interior of the state, 392 km (244 miles) from the capital. Jeltro Pereira Barbosa, 68, known as Delporã on the radio, had a history of heart problems and had survived triple bypass surgery.

 Jeltro Pereira Barbosa, 68, known as Delporã, died on air Monday as he played his beloved Sertanejo music.

Delporã died on air (photo: educadorafmiacanga.com.br)

Delporã opened the show and played two songs. When the second song ended, he came back on-air to speak to the listeners then suddenly fell silent. Background music continued for a few moments after Delporã stopped speaking and then stopped. A producer at the station, hearing the dead air, went to investigate. He told police than when he arrived on the scene he found the announcer slumped over under the sound board.

The producer called 911 and when emergency workers arrived on the scene, they tried to revive the veteran disc jockey using CPR for nearly an hour without success. Delporã played Sertanejo music, which is very popular in Sao Paulo, on his show.

According to G1 Sao Paulo, this is the second time an announcer has died on air at the radio station. In 2002, another DJ died at the mike shortly after beginning his show and also from a suspected heart attack.

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Brazilian online news source for this article: terra.com.br/G1 Sao Paulo

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