Police Turn Down $5,200 Bribe

GOIANIA, Goias – Early Saturday morning, Military Police (PM) arrested two suspected drug traffickers in the Vila Nova area of the capital of Goias state in central Brazil. One of those arrested offered police a U.S. $5,200 bribe to let them go, but the police turned them down, reports terra.com.br.

$5,200 bribe turned down by police

Bribe turned town (Photo: cenacanadense.blogspot.com)

The incident began when a group of three PMs on routine patrol encountered a man in a black Volkswagen Gol “who looked very suspicious,” as the team reported. When police searched the man and his car, they found two ecstasy tablets and four rocks of cocaine.

Police, who had information that the young man trafficked drugs in the area, went to his residence and conducted a search. They found more than one kilo of cocaine ready for sale. When asked, the young man agreed to inform on his supplier in exchange for leniency.

The police took the suspect to a bar in the Vila Nova sector of the capital and arrested the man whom he pointed out. Seeing no way out of his predicament, but hoping to be let go, the suspected supplier offered police the cash, which they declined. Police charged the supplier with trafficking and attempted bribery. The first charge brings 5 to 15 years and the second up to 12 years.

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Brazilian online news source for this article: terra.com.br
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